10 City Break Travel Tips

Whether you’re travelling solo, as a family or with friends, city breaks make a wonderful getaway. Enjoy one or two nights away to get a flavour of somewhere different, or book a week-long trip to get to know a new place. Here we will share our top ten city break travel tips to ensure you have the best time.

Choose the right city

First things first, you need to decide where you want to go. Do you want to book a UK city break, a European city break or venture elsewhere in the world for a longer trip?

Perhaps you already have somewhere in mind that’s been on your travel bucket list for a while now? Or maybe you’re planning a last-minute city break and are happy to go anywhere!

We think it’s always good to try and travel somewhere new on a city break. Here are a few UK cities that top our list:

Shop around for the best city break deals

No matter what type of holiday you're booking, we always recommend shopping around and comparing prices to get the best deal. If you're planning a city break abroad, sometimes you'll find it cheaper to book your flights and accommodation separately. It's also wise to choose a central hotel to minimise transport, car hire and parking costs.

Don't forget to check out our resale deals page for cheap city break hotels. Here are some of our best city hotel resale deals:

Look for cheap and free things to do on a city break

If you’re planning a city break on a budget, research all of the free activities on offer. For example, many cities offer free guided walking tours, which are great for getting your bearings in a new place and learning a little about the city’s history. There are also various websites you can use to book local guides that will give you a tour of their city. It’s a great way to meet new people, particularly if you are a solo traveller.

Plan your city break travel itinerary

Although being a spontaneous traveller has its benefits, if you’re only booking a short city break, it’s wise to do a little planning to ensure you fit in as much as possible. Decide which sights you’d like to see, any activities you’d like to do, and the restaurants you’d like to visit and plan your days accordingly. Of course, you’ll want to leave a little room for flexibility in your schedule - just in case you spot a coffee shop, gallery or park you can’t resist visiting.

Pre-book tickets to top attractions

Make sure you research to see if you need to pre-book tickets for any attractions and landmarks you want to visit. Often you’ll find you can save money by booking tickets online in advance. The same goes for restaurants - it’s always best to make a reservation to avoid disappointment.

Side tip: Some cities sell passes that enable you to jump the queue or gain entry to certain attractions. These may or may not also cover public transport like buses and undergrounds.

Pack light for city breaks

‘What should I pack for a city break’ is a common question amongst travellers, and our advice is to pack light, especially if you’re travelling by plane. Travelling with just hand luggage can save you a significant amount of money.

Consider the activities you plan to do on your city break, check the weather and choose appropriate outfits. If you’re going on a UK city break, chances are it’ll rain at some point, so make sure you’ve got a lightweight raincoat that you can fold away in your bag. It’s also wise to wear comfortable footwear - you’ll likely be doing a lot of walking!

It’s also worth packing some handy travel gadgets that will help you keep your devices charged, find your way around and break down any language barriers with locals.

Rent a city bike or e-scooter

Discover the best spots in the city by bike or e-scooter. You can cover a lot of ground while saving time and money on public transport costs. Many cities now offer hop-on-and-off bike or e-scooter rental via an app you download and use to pay the rental price. You then receive a code to unlock the bike or scooter and will be required to return it to an approved location.

Get up early to make the most of your trip

Get up and out early to experience the city you’re visiting at its quietest. Catch the sunrise, avoid the queues and enjoy walking the streets without the hustle and bustle. Make the most of your time - you can rest when you’re home or even treat yourself to a spa break!

Enjoy the local food

The local food is one of the best things about going on a city break! So do your research and bookmark some of the top recommended restaurants before you go. And don’t forget to check out local street food and markets, which are great for saving money while sampling new tastes.

 Shop small and local

If you’re hoping to do some shopping on your city break, check out some of the unique independent shops and boutiques rather than buying from the same old chain stores you visit at home. It’s a great way to support small business owners and boost the local economy. Plus, you can pick up unique keepsakes to remember your city break.

Book cheap city break hotels with Plans Change

Ready to book your next city break? Visit our Resale deals page and search for cheap hotel rooms in your chosen city on our website.